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Ever find it hard to look yourself in the mirror?

May 20, 2015

"Isn't it amazing we can see the beauty in our best friends, sisters, mothers, and aunts without the slightest thought to their flaws... but can obsess for hours on our own imperfections?"

In reality, there are very few people who actually have a "good" self-esteem. Jesus was asked once, what is the greatest commandment? Jesus said to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. And secondly, to love your neighbor as you love yourself. Well what happens when you don't love yourself... can you really LOVE your neighbor?

God wants to set us free from this mentality, but first we need to learn how to identify it. Here are ten ways that we exhibit low self-esteem:

  1. Classic case
    This is when people exhibit low self-esteem in the ways that we think about. Always down on themselves. Always second guess themselves and their decisions. They can't take a compliment. The glass is always half empty. They're unhappy most of the time.
  2. Insecurity
    This is a person who rarely feels safe. They never feel good enough and have trouble fitting in most of the time. They rarely feel accepted or like the way that they look. They rarely feel happy.
  3. Large Ego
    This type of individual often fools people. People around this person can often mistake their ego for confidence. Make no mistake about it, it is not the same thing. A person with a large ego is one who puffs out their chest like a proud peacock and displays their knowledge, accomplishments, etc. like badges of honor. They are always trying to prove something to someone. But someone with real confidence doesn't need to prove anything to anyone, do they?
  4. Always the funny one
    Some people have the gift of just being funny. But there are people who use humor as a means to mask their true pain and entertain. Someone who struggles with self-esteem has trouble being serious. They have to be funny all the time. "If people laugh at me, they're going to like me." Robin Williams was a great example of this.
  5. Chip on your shoulders
    People who walk around ready for a fight, debate, or argument at any point are struggling with self-esteem. They're constantly ready to defend and prove themselves. Why? Because they don't like who they are.
  6. Always defensive
    People who can never admit they are wrong. They are trying to convince themselves that they are too smart to make a mistake. It takes confidence to admit your wrong.
  7. "Cover up"
    This is when people constantly put more on to cover up how they look. They believe themselves to be too fat or too skinny. Their nose is too big or eyes are too close together. So they try to cover themselves up. More clothing, more make up, and so on.
  8. Tear others down
    These people put others down instead of building them up. These people are often pointing out flaws in others that they can't control in their own life.
  9. All about me
    People with poor self-esteem seem to want to make everything about themselves. "Poor me. Why me? Why does this always happen to me? Why didn't they invite me to their party?" All self-focused.
  10. I've got it all under control
    This can also be masked as confidence. These people have to always be organized and have all their ducks in a row because if they are not, they fall apart. Or get angry. Or quit. What's going on on the inside is so out of control they want to micro-manage every outer element of their lives as possible.

So what is true self-esteem? A person with true self-esteem is comfortable with who they are. They don't care what anyone else thinks. They build others up. They don't tear others down because they are not comparing themselves to anyone. This person will look to the needs and concerns of others. They're self-less. They're not possessive. They're not manage their possessions because their possessions don't define them. They're not jealous, content to a fault. But most importantly, a person with true self esteem knows WHO's they are...

Good self-esteem = God-esteem

These people know that God approves of them. The questions is, do you really believe this be true? Crack open a Bible to see what He thinks about you. We are a new creation (2 Cor 5:17). A dwelling place for the Holy Spirit (Eph 2:22). We are adopted as a child of God (Eph 1:5). Blamess (1Cor 1:8). I could go on and on.

In Genesis we are told that we made in God's image. The minute that we beat ourselves up, tear others down, become disgusted with ourselves, we are dragging God's image in the dirt. When you can grasp who you are and WHO you belong to, it is life-changing. Jesus is the one thing you need to truly feel good about yourself. We are blameless through Christ. Isn't that amazing?

For more on self-esteem and worries, click here. If you have been touched by this message or what God is doing for you, we'd love to hear from you. Tells us here!

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