EMUNAH: Which means FAITH
When I first started following God, I thought faith was an intellectual decision - I knew there was a God, so therefore I had faith. But the Hebrew word for 'faith' - emunah - is less about KNOWING, and more about DOING.
'Emunah' literally means "to take firm action", so to have faith is to act. It’s kinda like a staircase; you may intellectually know the stairs go up to the next level, but until you climb the stairs you won't experience the next level. What you do is more important than what you know. Don’t just believe in the stairs, climb the stairs.
What would you need to change today to ensure your faith was defined by what you did, instead of what you know?
In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
~James 2:17~
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Old Fort, OH 44861
Phone: (419) 992-4336
Sunday Morning Experiences
Blended at 8:30 AM
Modern at 10:00 AM