The Art of Celebration: Create in Me

June 04, 2015

Day 5

Read: Psalms 51:1-19

Swarms of flying robots are coming for you.

Well, maybe that was slightly alarmist since they are just going to be delivering your Amazon purchases. But still, if the dystopian world of science fiction has taught us anything, we should watch out.

These may sound like the rants of an insane person, but I can explain. Amazon is currently researching the possibility of employing drone technology for even faster delivery of their products in a service called "Amazon Prime Air." Their goal is to get your order to your doorstep in 30 minutes. (Because it would be a disaster if you had to wait until the next day for your new toaster oven.)

We love quick results don't we? We are constantly fine-tuning every aspect of our lives to eliminate that despicable enemy known as "waiting."

So when we first meet Jesus, hopes are high. This is the God who crafted everything, from elephants to supernovas, cilantro to Everest in just seven days: surely he's going to transform us in an instant... like Ramen noodles of righteousness.

He could, but he often chooses not to.

He turned Paul's life around while on the Damascus road, right? Sure, but that was just the beginning. The refining process was still going on in that jail cell in Acts.

He gave the shepherd kid, David, mastery over a giant. But years later, as a man he failed to master his lust problem, giving in to adultery and worse, a murderous cover-up.

It's in the middle of this mess that he wrote Psalm 51.

"Create in me a clean heart"

I'm sure he was desperate for an immediate transformation of character. But that isn't what he got. The Lord is patient. David's heart was renewed by traveling the painful, winding roads of confession, accountability and repentance, in the company of the Holy Spirit. The Lord didn't shortcut the work of cleansing David's heart.

We may be frustrated with patterns of sin that repeat in our lives, our niggling character flaws and lack of discipline. We may want "one-click" holiness. But Jesus doesn't wave a magic wand of saintly character over us.

Don't lose heart - he's not finished with us yet. He promises to finish what he started in us.

We can change. He will change us.

It just might take longer than our Amazon delivery.

And he is coming.


For the video accompanying this devotional, click here.

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