Easter Choir

If you are interested in being part of a praise choir this Easter,
fill out the form and we will be in touch with you soon.
No previous experience is necessary. Primary requirement is
a heart to serve the Lord and "Make a Joyful Noise"


Tentative Schedule:
(*all 3 rehearsals are not required, but attend as many as you can)

Vocal Rehearsal - Tuesday, April 8 @ 6:30 pm
Vocal Rehearsal - Wednesday, April 16 @ 6:30 pm
Rehearsal with the band - Saturday, April 19 @ 10:30 am

We will sing 3 songs at the 8:30 am worship experience
and sing all but one of these at the 10:00 am/online worship experience.

Charts can be printed out for you as needed,
or you can download them all from this folder.


Current Song List (In no particular order):
Start with learning the Choruses and Bridges first.
You won't need to sing all of the verses for every song.

"Praise" by Elevation Worship
[Recording is in the key of "A", We will drop to "E"]
Youtube Video

"Easter Medley" by The Movement Worship
[Sing in this key]
Youtube Video

"Christ Be Magnified" by Cody Carnes
[Recording is in the key of "A", We will drop to "G"]
Youtube Video

"Christ the Lord is Risen Today" from Hymncharts
[Sing in this key]
(This one is probably just for 8:30 am.
Most likely won't use a full band,
but this is the style and version we will sing.)
Youtube Video

"Graves Into Gardens" by Elevation
[Recording is in the key of "B". We will drop to "G"]
Youtube Video

"Our God is Alive" by Austin Stone Worship
[Sing in this key]
Youtube Video

old fort church

8245 N. Main St.
Old Fort, OH 44861
Phone: (419) 992-4336

Sunday Morning Experiences
Blended at 8:30 AM
Modern at 10:00 AM

Copyright © 2025 Old Fort Church. All rights reserved.